Nueva Misa Latinoamericana
By Mauricio Centeno , José Córdova

Including all the changes required by the new Misal Romano, the updated version of Mauricio Centeno and José Córdova’s beloved Nueva Misa Latinoamericana provides flexibility and a pastoral approach for multicultural liturgies.
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
Revised with the new Misal Romano text
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
from Nueva Misa Latinoamericana Revised
Incorporating the rhythms of Latin American countries, Nueva Misa Latinoamericana celebrates the joy of coming together as one multicultural family in the Hispanic liturgy. The vibrant huaynos and other Latin American festive styles in Nueva Misa Latinoamericana certainly evoke the colorful musical repertoire of Latin America and highlight the diversity of Hispanic cultural traditions. The versatility of being able to sing this Mass setting entirely in Spanish or English, or bilingually will allow for Spanish- and English-speaking communities to come together in worship for special multicultural celebrations.
Here are some of the updates to the parts of the mass that make Nueva Misa Latinoamericana an excellent opportunity to enrich the repertoire of your Sunday Mass or special celebrations:
Gloria a Dios/Glory to God: The Gloria now provides choirs with the option to sing it through composed, straight through with no additional refrains and ending with an Amen. However, the option to sing refrains in between each verse is still available. Having both options will help choir directors use a more pastoral approach when deciding which option works best for their community or type of celebration.
Alleluia/Aleluya and Alabanza a Ti, Oh Cristo/Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ: Both Gospel Acclamations have been revised to include metered and chanted verse options. This will allow cantors the versatility to adapt the Sunday Gospel verse to the melody that best fits the text. Funeral and wedding verse text options were added for your convenience when using this Mass during these special celebrations.
Likewise, the third alternative response to the Mystery of Faith: Salvador del Mundo/Save Us, Savior has been updated to reflect the new Spanish text: “Salvador del mundo, sálvanos, tú que nos has liberado por tu cruz y resurrección,” as it appears in the new Misal Romano.
The mass setting offers Spanish and bilingual DPLs (Digital Playlists) to help choirs learn the music, style and pronunciation faster.
30142006 (Octavo Keyboard/Vocal) | 30142007 (Octavo Guitar/Choral)
30142008 (PDF Keyboard/Vocal) | 30142009 (PDF Guitar/Coral)
30142005 (Bilingual DPL) | 30146558 (Spanish only DPL)